We all face many challenges in life: job troubles, relationship issues and failure. How do we get encouraged to continue? How do we get spiritually re-charged to go on and fight through the difficulties of life? The answer is………..fellowshipping with other Christians! That is our mission through the Church it Up! App. Our app will connect YOU with other believers in your area through fun Christian events that match your preference. Our app displays local Christian events such as: Musicals, Concerts, Conferences, Small Groups, Community Service Projects and much more!
With the Church it Up! App, you can:
• See events in your area that other Christians are attending
• Receive notifications of new events posted in your area
• Utilize Google Maps to receive directions to the event
• Add the event to your calendar with one click of a button
What is the mission Church it Up!?
Our mission is to utilize modern technology to provide a bridge of communication between the CHURCH and the COMMUNITY. We want to eliminate these two excuses:
1. “No one heard about my event” (Church)
2. “I didn’t hear about that church event” (Individual)
Our mission verse is Hebrews 10:24-25
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, NOT GIVING UP MEETING TOGETHER, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
We are primarily focused on the “not giving up meeting together” portion of verse 25.
Our main goal is to provide a more efficient and simple way to for churches and the community to meet together.